Sustainability Governance

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News and Announcements

NoReference Case NumberGroupCompany NameDescription (Issue Raised/Alleged)Grievance CategoryStakeholder/Source of Report (if any)Date ReceivedStatus
1GR05-2018-01Austindo Nusantara JayaPT Permata Putera Mandiri and PT Permata Mununggal PerkasaAlleged for deforestationDeforestationCustomer's queryMay 2018Closed
2GR03-2019-01PT Sumur Pandanwangi and PT Uni PrimacomPT Sumur Pandanwangi and PT Uni PrimacomAlleged development on peat area
Allegedly affiliated with Asam Jawa
Peat Development
Customer's query
Mighty Earth Rapid Response Report 6 ( 23 Jul 2018)

Mighty Earth Rapid Response Report 33 (5 May 2021)
May 2019Closed
3GR04-2020-01Permata GroupPermata Hijau SawitLabor benefits/facilityLabor IssuesRSPO Complaint Pannel (Letter : RSPO/2020/02/DPM)Apr 2020Closed
4GR06-2020-01Kallista AlamKallista AlamAlleged deforestation and burning on peat area- Deforestation
- Fires/ Burning
- Peat Development
RAN: Will Nestlé and Mars intervene to protect Indonesia’s peatlands? (9 Juni 2020)Jun 2020Non-Compliant
5GR06-2020-02Surya Panen SuburSurya Panen SuburAlleged deforestation and burning on peat area- Deforestation
- Fires/ Burning
- Peat Development
RAN: Will Nestlé and Mars intervene to protect Indonesia’s peatlands? (9 Juni 2020)Jun 2020Closed
6GR08-2020-01Dua Perkasa LestariDua Perkasa LestariAlleged deforestation, community land grab and peat development
Allegedly supplying to PT Beurata Subur Persada
- Deforestation
- Land Conflict/Land Dispute
- Peat Development
RAN: Major Brands and Banks Complicit in the Production of Conflict Palm Oil on Stolen Community Lands in Indonesi (21 August 2020)Aug 2020Non-Compliant
7GR08-2020-02PT Indo AlamPT Indo AlamAlleged for Deforestation
Allegedly supplying to PT Teupin Lada
DeforestationRAN: Fresh Evidence: Major Global Brands Refuse to Stop Sourcing Fire-Fueled Conflict Palm Oil, Despite Promises (20 August 2020)Aug 2020Closed
8GR09-2020-01PT Tualang RayaPT Tualang RayaAlleged for Deforestation
Allegedly supplying to PT Syaukath Sejahtera
DeforestationRAN: Royal Golden Eagle Group Links Global Brands and Financiers to Deforestation In the Leuser Ecosystem (21 September 2020)Sep 2020Closed
9GR01-2021-01Permata GroupNubika JayaAlleged improper handling of wastewaterEnvironmental violationsRSPO Complaint Pannel (Letter : RSPO/2020/20/SW)Jan 2021Closed
10GR01-2022-01Dewa Rencana Perangin AnginDewa Rencana Perangin AnginSlave labor violationsLabor IssuesMongabay: Raid against Sumatran official uncovers use of slave labor on oil palm farm (28 January 2022)Jan 2022Non-Compliant
11GR01-2022-02Mopoli RayaPT Gading BhaktiAlleged deforestationDeforestationCustomer's queryJan 2022Closed
12GR05-2022-01Jalan Abesin Ltd.Sawit Sukses SejatiAlleged deforestationDeforestationMighty Earth Rapid Response Report 39 (23 June 2022)

EIA: "Some of the worst palm oil deforesters in 2022 are supplying major internationalcompanies (December 2022)
May 2022Closed
13GR05-2022-02PT Rendi Permata RayaPT Rendi Permata RayaAlleged peat forest clearing
Allegedly supplying to PT Palmaris Raya
Peat DevelopmentCustomer's queryMay 2022Closed
14GR04-2022-01Mentari GroupAlamsari LestariAlleged peat forest clearing dan peat developmentPeat DevelopmentCustomer's queryApr 2022Closed
15GR08-2022-01Cemerlang AbadiCemerlang AbadiAlleged deforestation
Allegedly supplying to Raja Marga
DeforestationRAN: New Rogue Palm Oil Producer Found Destroying Rainforests and Peatlands in the Leuser Ecosystem (25 May 2022)Aug 2022Non-Compliant
16GR09-2022-01Mr Mahmudin (independent smallholder)Mr Mahmudin (independent smallholder)Allegedly supplying to PT Runding Putra PersadaIllegal SourcingRAN: Carbon Bomb Scandals (19 September 2022)Sep 2022Non-Compliant
17GR09-2022-02Astra Agro Lestari Tbk1. PT Agro Nusa Abadi
2. PT Lestari Tani Teladan
3. PT Mamuang
Alleged land grabbing and criminalization-Environmental violations
-Land Conflict/Land Dispute
-Human Rights/ Social Conflict
-Legality violations
FoE/WALHI: No Consent: Astra Agro Lestari’s land grab in Central and West Sulawesi, Indonesia ( March 2022)

WALHI: Open Letter from Indigenous Peoples and civil society organisations to consumer goods companies (20 September 2022)

FoE: Friends of the Earth groups denounce recent case of intimidation by Astra Agro Lestari, call for immediate de-escalation (8 Desember 2023)
Sep 2022In Progress
18GR12-2022-01Nia Yulided BersaudaraNia Yulided BersaudaraAlleged Deforestation
Allegedly supplying to PT Bumi Sama Ganda
DeforestationRAN: Notorious Rainforest Destroyer Caught Taking Palm Oil To Global Market (8 December 2022)Dec 2022Non-Compliant
19GR12-2022-02Permata Sawit MandiriPermata Sawit MandiriDeforestation
Allegedly supplying to Bumitama
DeforestationThe Chain: Top Ten Deforesters Clear 8,100 Hectares on Oil Palm Concessions During 1H 2022, a Significant Increase Versus 2021 (26 September 2022)Dec 2022Closed
20GR04-2023-01Perkebunan Nusantara I (PTPN 1)Krueng BayeunAlleged deforestationDeforestationCustomer's queryApr 2023Closed
21GR06-2023-011. PT Persada Alam Jaya
2. PT Mitrasari Prima
3. PT Makmur Andalan Sawit
4. Peputra Supra Jaya
1. PT Persada Alam Jaya
2. PT Mitrasari Prima
3. PT Makmur Andalan Sawit
4. PT Peputra Supra Jaya
Allegedly sourcing illegal FFB from Tessa Nilo National Park (TNTN)Illegal SourcingSveriges Natur: Illegal Palm Oil’s Route to Sweden(30 Juni 2023)Jun 2023Closed
22GR03-2024-01Aceh Trumon Anugerah KitaAceh Trumon Anugerah KitaAllegedly sourcing FFB from conservation area (Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve)Illegal SourcingRAN: New Rogue Actor Documented Destroying the Leuser Ecosystem (14 March 2024)Mar 2024In Progress
23GR06-2024-01Abdi Budi Mulia GroupPT Kalimantan Hamparan SawitAlleged deforestation
Allegedly supplyimg to STA dan ABM Group
DeforestationMighty Earth Rapid Response Report 44 (25 June 2024)June 2024In Progress
24GR11-2024-01Global Sawit SemestaGlobal Sawit SemestaAllegedly sourcing FFB from conservation area (Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve)Illegal SourcingOrang Utan Capital Under SiegeNov 2024Closed
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