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Permata Group hosted a virtual workshop on 18th April 2023 for their suppliers, which had 96 participants. The main objective of this workshop was to familiarize the suppliers with Permata’s Sustainability Policy, promote awareness of NDPE practices (No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation), and provide training on how to fill out Permata’s Self-Assessment Tool (SAT).

During the early sessions of the NDPE workshop, Permata emphasized the importance of sustainable palm oil operations that take into account the environmental and social impacts of the surrounding areas. The company highlighted the need for an NDPE commitment that is communicated throughout all stakeholders, along with a strategic plan with clear actions and timelines.

The workshop also included an extensive session on the Traceability to Plantation Form, which is one of the SAT tools used to track Permata’s supply chain down to the plantation level. The session provided instructions on how to input necessary requirements for various Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) suppliers such as estates, smallholders, plantation companies, and dealers.

After a long technical session, an online quiz was held to encourage interaction among suppliers and to summarize the key points of the workshop, covering topics including NDPE, best practices, and industry trends.

The workshop concluded with a lively question and answer forum, where suppliers shared their experiences, insights, and lessons learned during the technical session. The forum also provided an open space for discussion, where suppliers could ask questions, seek clarifications, and exchange ideas regarding the palm oil landscape.