Sustainability Governance

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News and Announcements

23 December 2024Permata Group Released Third Sustainability Report titled “Together for Tomorrow : Building Sustainability"
19 November 2024Permata Group Receives Prestigious Award at the 2024 Subroto Award
19 June 2024Driving Sustainability: Permata Group's Virtual Workshop on NDPE Principles and EUDR
21 December 2023Permata Group's Subsidiary obtained another PROPER Hijau Award
21 December 2023Permata Group release second Sustainability Report titled "Sustaining Change"
30 September 2023PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri wins 2023 Subroto Award
18 April 2023Permata Group's NDPE Workshop: Implementation of Responsible Sourcing in line with NDPE and Traceability Commitments
17 April 2023Permata Group has partnered with the 1000 Reef Ball Nature Lovers and Conservation Organization in the "Coral Reef Conservation and Rehabilitation" program on Ketek Island, in the waters of the Mursala Islands
01 March 2023Two Permata Group’s Subsidiaries Won Indonesian Green Award
12 September 2022Permata Hijau Group Conducted an on-site Supplier Workshop on 06th and 07th of September 2022
25 July 2022Permata Hijau Group Releases First Sustainability Report Titled: Embracing Change For Better Future
09 June 2022Permata Hijau Group Held Another Virtual Supplier Workshop
21 January 2022Permata Hijau Group’s Subsidiary Obtained Proper Hijau Award
08 December 2021Permata Hijau Group’s Subsidiary Won The 2nd And 30th Place at The Industri Hijau Award
11 November 2021Permata Hijau Group Works with Yayasan Leuser International to Rehabilitate Degraded Land in Aceh
27 October 2021Permata Hijau Group’s subsidiary successfully obtained RSPO P&C Certification
24 June 2021Permata Hijau Group (PHG) held its first online supplier workshop through Zoom Meeting in an adaptation to the new normal caused by the COVID – 19 restrictions
11 March 2020Permata Hijau Group conducted its first Supplier Workshop on Sustainability an No deforestation, peat and exploitation (NDPE)
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