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08 Jun 2024Permata Group received information from Mighty Earth's Rapid Response Report No. 44 alleging deforestation by Kalimantan Hamparan Sawit (KHS).

Permata Group does not have a direct business relationship with KHS. However, the engagement was conducted through Sumber Tani Agung (STA), a direct buyer of KHS, and PT Abdi Budi Mulia (PT ABM), an affiliated company with KHS.
15 Jun 2024Based on our engagement with STA, they informed us that they have engaged with KHS and currently is still in the process of obtaining further information from them
20 Jun 2024Based on our engagement with PT ABM, they informed us that the land clearing was conducted to fulfill plasma obligations required by local communities. We are still actively seeking more information from PT ABM to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely.
27 Jun 2024STA further confirmed to us that:
a. PT KHS is a FFB supplier to one of their business units.
b. PT KHS informed them that there were indeed land clearing activities in PT KHS to meet Plasma obligations mandated by the Government and requested by the local communities.
c. PT KHS is currently working to fullfill its plasma obligations, and plans to continue land clearing until December 2025.
d. PT KHS have acquired their HCV assessment in 2020 and confirmed that land clearing is not located in HCV area.
31 Jul 2024In line with our commitment to No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) principles, we have advised PT ABM and STA to engage with PT KHS to order for halt all land development activities and to conduct a comprehensive HCV-HCS integrated assessment.

As a result of our engagement with PT ABM and STA, PT KHS has ceased all land clearing activities as of 22 July 2024. They also have agreed to conduct the HCV-HCS assessment in accordance with HCVRN standard before resuming any land clearing.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure compliance and to uphold our high sustainability standards.
29 Oct 2024PT KHS has appointed a third-party assessor to carry out the HCV-HCS assessment and has recently completed the initial survey planning stage.

We will regularly monitor the situation for further developments.
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